Lion Medicated Banjemin Jaminton Medicated Healing Oil 45ml 便治文狮子油
While stocks last
• You are bidding for one bottle of Lion Medicated Banjemin Jaminton Medicated Healing Oil 便治文狮子油 as pictured
• Country of Origin: Hong Kong manufactured by Lion Medicate Oil Co.
• Capacity: about 45ml
• Ideal for the treatment of bruises, burns, contusion, colds, fever, lame back, minor cuts, muscular aches, scalds, stings of insects, sprains and wounds
• Recommended for : Minor Cuts , Bruises . Burns , Sprains , Wounds of all
• Directions:
1. For Minor Cuts, Burns: Apply Healing Oil on the affected parts then cover the affected parts with cotton and bandage.
2. For Sprains, Bruises, Contusion: Rub well over the affected parts with Healing Oil, then cover the affected parts with cotton and Healing Oil and lightly bandage.
3. For Muscular Aches: Apply freely over the affected parts, rubbing it well in until it is absorbed.
4. For Cold, Fever: Rub well over the chest and the back.
5. For Colic: Rub the oil well in over the stomach.
• Store in a cool place. Close tightly after each use
• Always fresh stocks
• Information available in English on the printed box
• Brand New in Original Packaging (Actual printed packaging may be different from that as per photo shown due to periodical change in packaging graphic design by the supplier without prior notice)
• Wonderful treat for yourself or gift idea
有效成份:松節油9%,樟腦3%,案油0.5% 功能:舒筋活絡、活血化瘀、止血止痛、消腫除痹、袪風止癢。 主治:跌打瘀腫,燙傷扭傷,輕微外傷出血,各種肌肉酸痛,及蚊叮蟲咬所致的膚瘙癢。 用法用法:外用搽劑。每次約5ml(毫升)。按患處大小適量塗搽或用藥棉醮滿藥油敷於患處,兩歲以下小孩應遵醫囑。 注意事項: 1)傷痛處如有惡化,應即停止使用並請醫生診斷。 2)使用時,勿以繃帶緊緊包紮。 3)勿讓小孩取得。 4)如發現有皮膚敏感,應即停止使用。
禁忌: 1)只限外用。避免接觸眼睛。 2)如不小心咽下應即尋求醫護人員協助。